Of all of Janet McCuen’s banners, this is certainly my favorite. We’ve had this banner for a long time…there’s a film of a worship service here in 1974, and this banner is prominently displayed in the sanctuary, up front and just to the left of the pulpit. The image here depicted is that of the Lamb of God, a symbol of Christ who comes, as John the Baptist declared, “to take away the sin of the world.” Jesus paid the price for sin by his death on the cross, as he himself was the once-for-all sacrifice for sin. The Old Testament sacrificial lambs pointed forward to the Lamb who was slain. And now as Christ has defeated sin and death by his victory over by his glorious and victorious resurrection, he carries forth the banner of the kingdom of God, a kingdom which will come to its completion at Christ’s return. Death could not defeat Jesus. The grave held no sway over him. The progress of God’s kingdom will not be hindered, and it will not be stopped. God’s kingdom will come, and God’s will truly will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
We cherish the banners on display in the sanctuary of Grace Point Church, which were created during the 1970s by Janet McCuen, a beloved parishioner and elder of our church. Janet’s handiwork, reflective of the style of the times, nevertheless displays her passion for God’s word, as they inspire us to worship even today.