Our Video Blog Introduces You to Grace Point Church
Pastor Tom Nelson Brings Grace Point Church to You:

In order to give everyone a glimpse of our worship service, we offer each week three opportunities to experience and participate in particular parts of our service. The segments are new each week, available for everyone to enjoy.
As Presbyterians, the proclamation of God’s word is central to our Sunday worship service. We always begin our service with a Call to Worship, drawn from the wealth and the beauty of the Psalms. In our Monday videos, you’ll hear proclaimed the passage of Scripture, along with a short reflection on the psalm.
A Presbyterian church is always a confessional church. We join together as a congregation to express corporately what we believe individually. Our Wednesday videos include the reading of the corporate confessional statement, which is often drawn from the Westminster Confession of Faith, though sometimes from other historic confessional documents, followed by a Scripture verse that supports the statement, followed then by a brief reflection. As Wednesday’s videos offer statements which are foundational for Presbyterian and Reformed doctrine and theology, they are a great way to know what we believe…how we glorify God and fully enjoy Him forever!
– When we gather for worship, we include a time of silent confession followed with what we refer to as the Assurance of Pardon…the assurance of the grace and mercy of God for all who believe. These are always promises found in the word of God followed by a brief reflection from our pastor, and so they are a great source of encouragement for followers of Christ…and they hold out the offer of salvation which is found in the gospel of our Lord and Savior!
Click on the link here to find our videos posted on our YouTube channel. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to always get our latest posting. And then join us on Sundays for worship!
- Pastor Tom Nelson – Grace Point Church – Nappanee, Indiana