My wife, my mom and I take the opportunity to visit an area estate sale when we can. I’m pretty particular about what I’ll purchase. I always glance through the books for sale, but I’m also looking for golf clubs, antique road bricks, certain knives, and pre-50 star American flags, and then the occasional odd and unique.
So the other day I came across this old Civil Defense drinking water container. They were only asking $5, so I snatched it up. The barrel is empty, but the lid is in place, the graphics are clearly visible, and it’s in pretty good shape. I haven’t yet decided what I’ll do with it. But I think it’s just really cool.
The Office of Civil Defense existed during the early 1960s, establishing a nationwide collection of fallout shelters using the basements of libraries, court houses, and other public facilities. When the Big One hit…in case of nuclear attack…people could hide in these shelters, stocked with supplies, to escape the fallout from a nuclear explosion.
Now I know that the intentions were noble. But this is government bureaucracy we’re talking about here. I don’t think that anyone really believes that this system would have provided sufficient shelter. I’m glad that we never had to test it.
Solomon taught this, recorded in Proverbs: “He who fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.” I take comfort in the truth of God’s word. Truly, this is shelter in the midst of the storm.